Green Smoothie On The Go

April 02, 2013

Green Smoothie on the Go

Visit to see more easy raw food recipes. In this video, raw food chef and author Jennifer Cornbleet shows you how to enjoy Green Smoothies on the Go and prepares a Banana-Grape Green Smoothie made with fresh fruits and leafy green vegetables. It's popular raw food recipe from her book Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People Revised.

Traveling can challenge your healthful routine. In airports and on the road, nutritious food is often unavailable. But in this video, Jennifer Cornbleet shows you the simple equipment and ingredients you can take with you so that wherever you go, you can always enough a glass of good nutrition and her Banana-Grape Green Smoothie.

To get your excited about going raw on the road, Jennifer explains why this particular recipe is so travel-friendly. She talks about the availability of various ingredients and how the particular combination of fruits and veggies in this smoothie is both healthy and delicious.
Before she starts chopping and dicing, Jennifer offers insights as to the right appliance to take along with you. She explains why she likes the Tribest Personal Blender and outlines the key benefits it delivers.

Then it's time to start 'cooking.' You'll learn how even a 'mini' blender can handle a maximum load of fruits and leafy greens. Jennifer shows you how to process the ingredients in batches to ensure that your smoothie is just as creamy and lump-free as the name implies.

Jennifer also talks about the convenience of 'green powder,' a nutritional supplement made from dehydrated greens. It can replace the fresh greens in any smoothie, making this recipe even more appropriate to travel.

green smoothie
raw food
raw food living
raw diet
raw food travel food
personal blender
raw food made easy
green smoothie, smoothies, travel, healthy, raw food, raw food living, raw diet, raw food travel food, personal blender, raw food made easy
Green Smoothie on the Go