Quick & Simple Life Hacks - Money Saving Tricks

June 09, 2013

Quick & Simple Life Hacks - Money Saving Tricks

Welcome to Quick and Simple Life Hacks 9! Here are several more tips to keep things simple and cheap.

1. Need to get some paint out of your clothes? Don't buy expensive chemicals, grab Olive Oil and scrub with a paper towel until the paint is gone.

2. Bananas losing their luster too soon? Save money next time by covering the top stem of the bunch with plastic wrap, they'll last you significantly longer.

3. It's warming up and ants the are invading. But you don't need need to buy harsh pesticides. Grab some corn meal from your pantry and sprinkle it around edges and crevices. The ants eat it but can't digest it which ends their reign of terror in a few days..

4. Want to jam some tunes from your phone but you don't have a speaker handy? Grab an empty toilet paper roll and cut a slit in it. Stick a couple tacks on both sides and you've just created an amplifier.

5. House smelling off and need to freshen it up? Don't worry about purchasing air fresheners and sprays. Just grab a few dryer sheets and pin them to the front of a fan. Ahhhh... spring fresh for pennies.

6. Did you clog up your drain and don't want to buy drano? No worries. Grab half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of vinegar. Toss it down the drain and let it sizzle a few minutes. Finally, rinse it all out with hot water and enjoy your clean pipes.

Beyond that, let us know what Life hacking subject you want to see next and we'll see you then.

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