How To Make Your Own Drawer Organizer

June 25, 2013

DIY: Drawer Organizer

How To Fold And Store Your Plastic Bags

DIY: Folded Plastic Bags - allows you to store more at a time!


A Robot That Runs Like A Cat

June 22, 2013

A robot that runs like a cat

Thanks to the design of its legs, which faithfully mimic feline morphology, EPFL's four-legged "cheetah-cub robot" shares the advantages of its biological model: it is small, light and runs very fast. In the long term, this type of machine, which is still in an experimental stage, could be used in search and rescue missions or for exploration.



June 17, 2013


It was inevitable that Randall Ng would make this video. Remember to dress classy and dance cheesy!

PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) ft. TRANSFORMERS video by Randall Ng.


Raffaello D'andrea: The Astounding Athletic Power Of Quadcopters

June 12, 2013

Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of quadcopters

In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D'Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together -- and watch out for an I-want-this-now demo of Kinect-controlled quads.

TEDTalk, TEDTalks, TED Talk, TED Talks, TEDGlobal, \Raffaello D'Andrea\, robots, technology

How to Clean Produce (Fruits and Vegetables)

How to Clean Produce (Fruits and Vegetables)

In this video, cleaning expert, Melissa Maker, shows how to wash produce in a quick and effective way using an eco-friendly, homemade produce wash. Produce has pesticides and other unfriendly grime, so this is how to wash produce properly and safely.

Thomas asked: Is there a cheaper way to clean my produce properly?


What you need-
1) Fruits and vegetables
2) 2 tablespoons of baking soda
3) 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
4) 1 cup of water
5) spray bottle
6) Strainer
7) funnel (optional)

Shelf life: 2 weeks

In the spray bottle, pour the lemon juice, baking soda and water. Shake it up and set the spray bottle to mist. Put the fruits and vegetables into the strainer and douse using the spray bottle over a sink. Let the produce sit for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water. Allow the produce to air dry in the strainer and enjoy!

Did you know? Lemon juice acts as a natural disinfectant, while baking soda provides the fine grit needed to clean everything off the surface of your produce.

FYI: Thick-skinned fruit like an orange or banana don't need to be washed since you don't eat the skin. Thin skinned fruits and vegetables like an apple, grape or tomato should be washed before eating.


How To Cook On & Season A Stainless Steel Pan To Create A Non Stick Surface

June 09, 2013

How To Cook On & Season A Stainless Steel Pan To Create A Non Stick Surface

Learn how to cook on and season your stainless steel pain so you have a naturally occurring non stick pan. Visit us at and join us on Facebook at

stainless, steel, pans, seasoning, non, stick

Leap Motion With Windows

Leap Motion With Windows

It's what we've always envisioned for Leap Motion — to break down the barriers between people and technology. Here's a video to show you how close we are. With Leap Motion technology, Windows OS is natural, easy, and fun to use. You'll navigate your desktop, browse the web, flip through photos, and do everything you do everyday in extraordinary ways —all with the wave of a hand or lift of a finger.

Leap Motion with Mac coming soon.

Song: Starlight by DJ Nox
Direct song:
Artist's Web site:

Leap Motion, leapmotion, google, google earth, future, technology, motion sensing, hand tracking, finger tracking, gesture recognition, motion tracking

Quick & Simple Life Hacks - Money Saving Tricks

Quick & Simple Life Hacks - Money Saving Tricks

Welcome to Quick and Simple Life Hacks 9! Here are several more tips to keep things simple and cheap.

1. Need to get some paint out of your clothes? Don't buy expensive chemicals, grab Olive Oil and scrub with a paper towel until the paint is gone.

2. Bananas losing their luster too soon? Save money next time by covering the top stem of the bunch with plastic wrap, they'll last you significantly longer.

3. It's warming up and ants the are invading. But you don't need need to buy harsh pesticides. Grab some corn meal from your pantry and sprinkle it around edges and crevices. The ants eat it but can't digest it which ends their reign of terror in a few days..

4. Want to jam some tunes from your phone but you don't have a speaker handy? Grab an empty toilet paper roll and cut a slit in it. Stick a couple tacks on both sides and you've just created an amplifier.

5. House smelling off and need to freshen it up? Don't worry about purchasing air fresheners and sprays. Just grab a few dryer sheets and pin them to the front of a fan. Ahhhh... spring fresh for pennies.

6. Did you clog up your drain and don't want to buy drano? No worries. Grab half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of vinegar. Toss it down the drain and let it sizzle a few minutes. Finally, rinse it all out with hot water and enjoy your clean pipes.

Beyond that, let us know what Life hacking subject you want to see next and we'll see you then.


life hacks, quick and simple life hacks, make money online, hacks, tricks, nifty tips, green tips, life hacking, hacker, life tips, pro life tips, lifehacker

Logitech G700s Rechargeable Gaming Wireless Mouse

June 08, 2013

Logitech G700s Rechargeable Gaming Mouse Best Wireless Mouse

Booredatwork, Tech, Logitech, Logitech G700s, Wireless Gaming Mouse, Gaming MOuse, PC Gaming, review

Very Talented Russian Bear and His Awesome Friend

June 06, 2013

Very Talented Russian Bear and His Awesome Friend

This unbelievably talented and cute russian bear can roll over, play the trumpet, sit on a lawn chair, play the trumpet, you name it. Leave it to a random Russian guy to train such an awesome bear.

russian bear, talented bear, russian guy, friend with bear, talented russian bear, hula hoop bear, trumpet, cute bear, funny bear

Send A Scent With Your Message With The Scentee (Chatperf) Smartphone Addon

June 03, 2013

Send a scent with your message with the Scentee (ChatPerf) smartphone addon #DigInfo

Send a scent with your message with the Scentee (ChatPerf) smartphone addon


ChatPerf Inc.
Scentee (ChatPerf)

DigInfo TV -

DigInfo, DigInfo News, DigInfo TV, Tech, Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Scentee (ChatPerf), ChatPerf Inc., MOBILE, INTERFACE, UNIQUE

Socca Pizza! Vegetarian Pizza Recipe

June 02, 2013

Socca Pizza! Vegetarian Pizza Recipe

Socca is a type of flatbread made from chickpea flour. This delicious fast, easy, socca pizza is healthy and also happens to be gluten-free! Printable socca recipe and ingredients at

socca, farinata, socca recipe, cecina, glutenfree pizza, glutenfree recipe, healthy recipe, vegetarian recipe, vegan recipe, vegan pizza, cooking