World Air Traffic 24 Hour Period

January 23, 2011
The yellow dots are aircraft.

It is a 24 hour observation of all of the large aircraft flights in the
world, condensed down to about 2 minutes. You can tell it was summer
time in the north by the sun's footprint over the planet. You could see
that it didn't quite set in the extreme north and it didn't quite rise in
the extreme south.

Notice that as evening approaches, the traffic is predominantly from the US
to Europe and when daylight comes, the traffic switches and it
is predominantly from Europe to the US.

Otters holding hands

January 15, 2011
Vancouver Aquarium: two sea otters float around, napping, holding hands. SO CUTE!

Porcupine who thinks he is a puppy!

January 12, 2011
This 5 year old male was a pet in a home, and now lives at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. This little guy had been given an apple to eat, and seems to act more like a puppy than a porcupine!

YouTube Video-Sperre mit einem Proxy umgehen

January 06, 2011
Jeder, der in Deutschland wohnt, kennt das Problem. Man ist auf der Suche nach neuen Videos und dann das: Dieses Video enthält Content von Sony Music Entertainment. Es ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.

Solche Videos wurden aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen gesperrt und man kann diese nicht anschauen. Aber das ist scheinbar nur in Deutschland so. Die Videos können z.B. in Österreich oder in der Schweiz problemlos angeschaut werden.

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5,000 dead Birds + 100,000 dead Fish in Arkansas (01/01/2011 - USA)

January 05, 2011
« The birds - most of which were dead - were red-winged blackbirds and starlings, and they were found within a one-mile area of Beebe, about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said... »
« The commission said it flew over the area to gauge the scope of the event, and no birds were found outside of the initial one-mile area.
Karen Rowe, an ornithologist for the commission, said the incident is not that unusual and is often caused by a lightning strike or high-altitude hail.... » (see the all story in CNN website )

Des milliers d'oiseaux morts en Arkansas dans la nuit du 31 décembre 2010 au 1er janvier 2011 (plus de 5000 oiseaux tués, uniquement dans un rayon de moins de 2 kilomètres autour de la ville de Beebe)

« (CNN) -- Arkansas officials are investigating the death of an estimated 100,000 fish in the state's northwest, but suspect disease was to blame, a state spokesman said Sunday.
Dead drum fish floated in the water and lined the banks of a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River near Ozark, about 125 miles northwest of Little Rock, said Keith Stephens of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission... » (see the all story in CNN website )

A Lion Called Christian - Their Story

January 03, 2011
For More Christian The Lion Check Out:

We've all seen the dramatic YouTube clip of Christian the Lion. A Lion Called Christian tells the story behind the sensation.

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